Frequently Asked Questions for Cool Fat Burner
No, the Cool Fat Burner is available exclusively from our website. We’ve turned down offers to sell retail shortly after we started up back in 2012. As for Amazon, we don’t care for some of their business practices for both sellers and customers.
Please keep in mind Amazon engages in questionable tactics with sellers, workers, and customers. For example reviews on Amazon can be bought and faked. Product descriptions can be inaccurate and dishonest. Amazon gets their cut regardless.
On our landing page there is a story (“Cooling Vest Comparison”) showing a university study that compared the CFB with several other cooling vests that started up after us, copied information from our site, and claimed they could reproduce what only our vests were shown to do in the lab. That indirect calorimetry experiment revealed they were misleading their customers and the graphic shows how the CFB had over a 10X larger calorie burn, contrary to their claims. Guess what else? One of those vests was being sold on Amazon, it’s product description was full of inaccurate info, and for a while it actually had a 5-Star rating… despite being a scam product. That company has since gone out of business, yet still sells a heavily discounted “clearance” version of their vest on Amazon.
That was years ago. Since then it’s become common knowledge that Amazon reviews can be paid for. There is an entire cottage industry selling fake positive reviews on Amazon. People buy products, leave a 5-Star review, then get refunded the cost of the item. Some products are said to have upwards of a 75% fake positive review rate.
There is an Amazon product claiming that it can “freeze away fat,” with some reviewers claiming they’re losing inches in the first few days. All peer-reviewed experimental evidence shows that is not possible. Even Coolsculpting, a medical procedure costing thousands of dollars, doesn’t claim to do that. The stomach wrap also says it’s backed by science, even though it has no studies or experiments to validate its claims. (It uses the age-old trick of citing studies done on other devices and pretend those studies apply to itself. Ironically even the studies they list are almost all on animals, not even on humans.)
In comparison our Gut Buster has been tested numerous times and shown able to reproduce the same skin temperatures used in the original zeltic “coolsculpting” trials. We have shown the evidence on our site, using both IR thermometers and thermocouple sensors.
The FakeSpot website shows that at least 40% of that product’s reviews are unreliable. Many are first-time reviews and give it 5-Stars without even having even used it… and at least a few have admitted in their reviews that they received “incentives” to leave a positive review. That company also copied and pasted some of it’s content off of our website.
We’ve since been made aware that the “Amazon’s Choice” product in question actually bribes its customers into leaving 5-Star reviews by promising free stuff in exchange for reviews. When confronted in the reviews comments, the owner of the company denied that she bribes her customers for reviews… despite evidence showing they give free merchandise in exchange for reviews. Ironically there are two other “fat freezing stomach wraps” that used to be on Amazon, practically identical to the current “Amazon’s Choice” product, but which have only mediocre reviews. These are the sorts of practices that Amazon sellers use on their customers.
Meanwhile we continue to have the Cool Fat Burner tested at 3rd party independent locations including some of the country’s top university exercise labs and medical hospitals, continue to get published in peer-reviewed journals, and continue to have world-class athletes and physique competitors use our vests. And on our Reviews page, you can read actual candid feedback and unfiltered personal correspondence from real customers who have actually used our vests and had no other reasons to contact us, beyond voicing their personal praise for our vests.
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